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Magickal things to do in isolation

We're all going a little stir crazy right now - wherever you are I'm sure you have at least some restrictions on where you can go and a lot of venues including parks and forests are closed. Here are a few ideas of magickal things you can do at home!

Who else would love to be living out isolation here?


- Home: do a deep clean of your home, then rearrange or even redecorate to ensure you have a space that you enjoy to be in

- Altar: work on your altar or sacred space, make the space unique and personal to you

- Self: from meditation to a ritual bath there are plenty of ways to take care of yourself from home! Make sure you take the time to look after yourself regularly.

Kitchen Witchery

- Herb Garden: you don't need much space to make a herb garden! You can even order starter kits online and have them delivered, like this one available at Bunnings.

- Cook & bake: investigate the correspondences of ingredients to infuse your food with magickal intention, or honour the turning of wheel with seasonal foods.

- Host a virtual tea party: Organise to catch up with friends over tea and treats via Skype or Zoom. Read your leaves or practice other divination methods together.

- Make your own soaps: create your own soaps, sprays or cleaners infused with your home-grown herbs.


- Journal: work on a journal or Book of Shadows, use it to collect your thoughts, express your feelings and record your knowledge.

- Study a new topic: now is great chance to delve into a topic, like a mythology that speaks to you, or something that connects you to nature like botany or astronomy.

- Learn a new skill: we all have something that we have been meaning to learn, take this time to get into tarot, or start trying yoga. There are plenty of instructional videos on YouTube for all sorts of amazing interests and hobbies.


- Make a magickal outfit: even just a simple

scarf or cloak, make something that defines YOU and that you feel good wearing.

- Create your own accessories & decorations: pull out all of those half finished projects I know you have, bead your own bracelets, make corn dolls or dream catchers.

- Make spell candles / jars / pouches: there are plenty of small rituals you can complete at home to promote healing and positivity.

Dress a candle in corresponding oils and herbs, fill a jar or pouch with related materials and that you can place in a sacred space, or even under your pillow.

We'd love to see how you keep yourself entertained and occupied! Comment below with your own suggestions.



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